Boosting employee engagement doesn't have to be painful. Have each employee share a small win, and encourage team gaming. With Bundle, your employees can engage in elaborate escape rooms, or get to know each while learning a new skills. Book a Team b

LinkedIn post for Bundle promoting Team Break product line. Link directs users to contact page so they can request more information and drive increased viewership to Bundle website.

Could this meeting have been an email? If you want your #leaders to reach their #goals, consider scheduling less meetings. It could help prevent the #GreatResignation!
LinkedIn post for Bundle promoting Team Break product line. Link directs users to contact page so they can request more information and drive increased viewership to Bundle website.

LinkedIn post for Bundle re-sharing topical article from a popular business publication. This helped increase brand recognition and establish Bundle as an industry leader.


LinkedIn post for Bundle promoting all product lines as the solution for disconnected and burnout employees. Link directs users to contact page, increasing website clicks and allowing users to request more information about Bundle.